Symposium Submission is now open for World Sleep 2025 in Singapore! World Sleep 2025 will feature a large and diverse scientific schedule with three days of symposium presentations. Symposia at World Sleep are competitive opportunities to present concepts and new data to a room full of international sleep and circadian clinicians, researchers, and industry leaders. Each 90-minute session features a panel of four or five participants, including a chair, presenting original research regarding a shared theme or topic. All presentations will be in person in Singapore.
Free preventive examinations for the presence of neoplastic in the field of head and neck area - 26/07/2024 in the time slot 09:00 - 14:00 h. on the territory of the University Medical and Dental Center, Faculty of Dental medicine, Medical University - Varna. Phone numbers for booking a free examination: +359 52 677 299, 0882 413 456
Dear participants, Dear colleagues, We are delighted to present to your attention the Programme of the Fifth Symposium of "Alumni Club and Friends" - Medical University - Varna, which will be held online in the period 05-06.04.2024. Webex links for joining for both of the Symposium days: Link for Day 1: https://mu-varna.webex.com/mu-varna/j.php?MTID=m6051e81443cd721eda0f1fd998cd36cf Link for Day 2: https://mu-varna.webex.com/mu-varna/j.php?MTID=mc024289c4d003dba6bfc36f645de3cb6 With thankfulness for your support to the scientific event! Yours sincerely, Organization team Symposium "Alumni Club and Friends" - Medical University - Varna
Уважаеми участници, Уважаеми колеги, Представяме на Вашето внимание Програма на Петия Симпозиум на "Алумни клуб и приятели" - Медицински университет - Варна, който ще се проведе онлайн в периода 05-06.04.2024 г. Webex линкове за присъединяване за двата дни: Линк за Ден 1: https://mu-varna.webex.com/mu-varna/j.php?MTID=m6051e81443cd721eda0f1fd998cd36cf Линк за Ден 2: https://mu-varna.webex.com/mu-varna/j.php?MTID=mc024289c4d003dba6bfc36f645de3cb6 С Благодарност за Вашата подкрепа към научното събитие! С Уважение, Организационен екип Симпозиум "Алумни клуб и приятели" - Медицински университет - Варна
Promoting the World Hearing Forum. The World Hearing Forum is a global network of stakeholders promoting ear and hearing care worldwide. Members of this advocacy network will commit to facilitating implementation of World Health Assembly resolution WHA70.13 on “Prevention of deafness and hearing loss” and supporting Member States in this regard. Over 430 million people require rehabilitation to address their hearing loss, of these, 34 million are children. In addition, 1.1 billion young people are at risk of hearing loss due to exposure to noise in recreational settings and through personal audio devices. It is expected that these numbers will rise considerably in the coming decades, unless action is taken to prevent and treat hearing loss. The World Hearing Forum (2018–2025) is filling a critical gap by bringing a collective vision to advocacy and collaboration in this field. Through networking and by sharing knowledge, skills and experiences from the field, the World Hearing Forum is galvanizing action towards a world in which no person experiences hearing loss due to preventable causes and those with hearing loss can achieve their full potential through early identification and appropriate management of their condition.
World Sleep Academy is an initiative of World Sleep Society, a non-profit organization of global sleep specialists whose mission is to advance sleep health worldwide. The purpose of World Sleep Academy is to provide accessible training in sleep medicine to healthcare workers, particularly those in communities underserved by sleep medicine specialists. World Sleep Academy is organized into three tiers of increasing complexity in sleep science and medicine topics. Courses are delivered entirely online and learning activities are predominantly asynchronous but supplemented with weekly live sessions with the lead faculty. Completing all three tiers of content takes one calendar year.
24th International Otology Course, Causse Ear Clinic, 27-29.06.2024
SingHealth ENT Head & Neck Instructional course Fortnight 21.08-03.09.2023
Проф. д-р Марио Милков, д.м. бе избран като екзекютивен член на Международната федерация на обществата по онкология в областта на главата и шията (International Federation of Head and Neck Oncologic Societies). IFHNOS е глобална организация, създадена чрез сътрудничество на национални и регионални дружества и организации в областта на хирургията на главата и шията и онкологията, с членство от национални и регионални мултидисциплинарни организации, представляващи 65 държави. Целта на Федерацията е да осигури обща платформа за взаимодействие между специалисти в областта на онкологията в областта на главата и шията по професионални въпроси от взаимен интерес.
Проф. Милков е поканен лектор на откриването на Romanian National ENT Conference, съвместно с 3rd Conference of Otology and Neurotology of the Black Sea Countries International Association, в периода 07-10.06.2023г. Двете конференции се провеждат в хотел Совата, гр. Совата, Румъния. Проф. Милков ще открие конференциите, като ще представи и презентация на тема: "Prophylaxis of football players with a posturographic platform in Medical University – Varna".
Проф. д-р М. Милков бе поканен лектор на 27 International RhinoCamp, Yasmin Hotel, Bodrum, Türkiye 25-28.05.2023. Изнесената презентация бе на тема "Modern diagnostic for obstructive sleep apnea-Is there a precise algorithm?", като бе дискутирана коморбидността, асоциирана с обструктивната сънна апнея, засягаща повечето анатомични системи на човешкия организъм.
В периода 27-30.04.2023 г. в Анталия, Турция, проф. Милков бе поканен да допринесе в научната програма на 30я конгрес на Съюза на Европейските фониатрици с презентация на тема: "Importance of the collaboration between different types of medical and dental specialists to protect and enhance the voice quality of singers and artists". Участието бе по проект по Фонд Научни изследвания с тема: "Изследване на характеристиките и качеството на говора при пациенти преди и след проведено дентално лечение с помощта на ларингостробоскоп", Договор № КП-06-Н53/11 от 11.11.2021 год. https://www.fni.bg/
В сектор "Аудио-вестибуларна и сънна медицина" към Университетски медико-дентален център се организират безплатни профилактични прегледи на оперни изпълнители с оглед откриване на нарушения на гласа, считано от 03.02.2023 г., като се имплементира модерната методика на видеоларингостробоскопията. Записването става на тел.: 052/677299 - Университетски медико-дентален център, Факултет Дентална медицина, Медицински университет - Варна. Кампанията се организира съвместно с Държавна опера - Варна и е безсрочна.
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
The World Hearing Day working group of the World Hearing Forum would like to thank you for your participation in World Hearing Day events in previous years and invite you to join us in this year’s World Hearing Day celebration on March 3rd, 2023. Your participation insures that this annual worldwide celebration will raise the profile of ear and hearing care in public opinion, in the world’s media, and on the global health agenda.
World Hearing Day 2023 is especially relevant because it will highlight the importance of integrating ear and hearing care within primary health care as an essential component of universal health coverage. With the theme “Ear and Hearing Care for All!”, we will focus our efforts on ensuring access to ear and hearing care to all who need it and advance ways in which this care can be delivered at the primary care level. The World Health Organization estimates that 60% of hearing loss care can be managed by primary care providers and will launch the Ear and Hearing Care Training Manual for Primary Healthcare Providers on March 3rd.
You will find all you need to plan your activities at www.worldhearingday.org [worldhearingday.org]. This site includes educational materials, flyers, posters and other useful materials (now available in 29 different languages) as well as a detail description of World Hearing Day and a picturesque report of activities from 77 different countries. Please register your World Hearing Day events with the World Health Organization on this website and plan on reporting your activities after March 3rd, 2023. We have streamlined the registration process and once you have set up an account, the info of your clinic or organization will be stored for future access to the site.
The WHO encourages World Hearing Day participants to launch the Ear and Hearing Care Training Manual for Primary Healthcare Providers with presentations and events that target national program officers, directors of health, people with hearing loss, NGOs, and the media, but any activity, small or large, is worthwhile to raise awareness on this special day of celebration. Some popular activities in past years include discussion panels, radio or talk-show participation, newspaper articles, interviews, or the distribution of WHO created flyers, t-shirts, badges. Everything helps to amplify the World Hearing Day message and make it “audible”. Get involved with World Hearing Day and encourage others to join the global campaign. By uniting our efforts, we can help make Ear and Hearing Care a worldwide priority issue.
Some popular activities include:
- discussion panels at local hospitals
- free hearing screening booths or clinics
- radio or talk-show participation
- newspaper articles or interviews
- distribution of WHO created flyers, t-shirts, badges
- social media campaigns (there are also WHD GIFs and emoji’s)
- art or essay contests to describe living with hearing loss
Here are some helpful links to find additional information / connect with others:
For more information about World Hearing Day:
Register your event and download materials (available in 29 languages) : https://worldhearingday.org/ [worldhearingday.org]
WHO Activities for World Hearing Day: https://www.who.int/campaigns/world-hearing-day [who.int]
Toolkit to plan World Hearing Day activities: https://worldhearingday.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/World-Hearing-Day-TOOLKIT-for-planning-of-events.pdf [worldhearingday.org]
Make Listening Safe Campaign: https://www.who.int/activities/making-listening-safe [who.int]
World Report on Hearing: https://www.who.int/teams/noncommunicable-diseases/sensory-functions-disability-and-rehabilitation/highlighting-priorities-for-ear-and-hearing-care [who.int]
WHO World Hearing Day Launch Webinar: https://who.zoom.us/rec/play/FEwoCG4JUoE1NN_8O74AFvlv3yOobGUb90JiWefIo20fYfFUhpIFbL3bbI-vDBuqPnaDmXKIFoqwwg.lOuoyPMZfKzL3Om1?continueMode=true&_x_zm_rtaid=79LdL7t6T1GytJZN29DNEg.1673606507237.0e8e3df4e00cbc416ca47ec21db8424a&_x_zm_rhtaid=971
Social media sites to share your story and connect with Global Activities:
Coalition for Global Hearing Health Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/c4ghh/ [facebook.com]
Coalition for Global Hearing Health Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/globalhearinghealth/ [instagram.com]
World Hearing Forum Changemakers Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1119931818468512 [facebook.com]
Hashtags: #safelistening #worldhearingday #hearingcare
Let’s all celebrate World Hearing Day 2023!
Thank you on behalf of the entire World Hearing Day Working Group,
James E. Saunders, MD
Arun Agarwal, MD
Co-Chairs, World Hearing Day Working Group
World Hearing Forum